Break the Habit of Yo-Yo Dieting in Favor of Holistic Weight Loss Lifestyle Changes


If you find yourself struggling to stick with your weight loss program, you’re not alone. Many people who follow fad diets to lose weight end up gaining it back, only to start a new diet and repeat the cycle. A March 2019 study from the Columbia University Irving Medical Center found that 70% of female participants experienced […]

Alkaline Diet for Body Balance

Discover the wide range of health and longevity benefits that come from a balanced alkaline diet. Many people don’t know that several of the foods we regularly eat have a negative effect on our alkaline body balance. The human body is naturally an alkaline environment, with a blood pH of 7.4 to 7.6. However, when we […]

Benefits of Eating Comfort Foods

Eat a healthy diet while including your favorite comfort foods Beans, beans, the musical fruit, The more you eat, the more you toot, The more you toot, the better you feel, So let’s have beans at every meal! It’s a silly and rather crude children’s rhyme, but it has some truth at its core. Eating food […]

Are you being pranked by “healthy” foods?

Don’t let these seemingly healthy foods mislead you. Clearly we are not fooled by all the sugar, bad fats, additives, and preservatives in obvious junk food items such as cookies, cakes, ice cream, potato chips, and candies. But what about your “healthy” granola bars, fruit and nut bars, trail mix, fat-free yogurts, fruit smoothies, sports […]