Medicare and Mental Health Coverage: A Guide for Seniors with Depression

Medicare and Mental Health Coverage: A Guide for Seniors with Depression

Photo by Abhilash Mishra from Pexels Though depression is a common mental health problem among seniors, it is not a normal part of aging. The majority of older adults enjoy happiness and a high degree of life satisfaction in their golden years. If you are suffering from depression, it’s important to get help. Depression can worsen the outcome […]

Dragging Through the Day: Natural Remedies for Chronic Fatigue

Natural Remedies for Chronic Fatigue – Shannon Lochwood Do you find it a struggle to get out of bed each morning? Are you dragging to find the motivation to start your day? Is it difficult for you to attend to your daily tasks? Do you constantly feel like you are in a fog? If you […]

Run or Walk Your Way to a Healthy Heart

Running For Life Running is not only good for your soul; it is also good for your heart and overall health. Scientific evidence proves that regular exercise, particularly running, approximately 30 minutes at least five times a week has health benefits that extend well beyond any medication a doctor could prescribe. Studies have shown that […]

Improve Your Mental Health with Holistic Health

Improve Your Mental Health with Holistic Health

We all know it’s important to stay in good physical health. But what are you doing to stay in good mental health? Each year, nearly 1 in 5 Americans suffer from mental illness symptoms including stress, depression, anxiety, and mood swings. These symptoms can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair. However, research shows that […]

Early Heart Health May Influence Future Mental Health

Young hearts are full of hope and promise. However, a recent study suggests that early heart health may influence future mental health. The study focused on resting heart rate and blood pressure. It reveals that young males with higher resting heart rates – above 82 beats per minute—may be at risk for a future diagnosis of mental […]

Depressed Heart Patients Are 50 Percent More Likely to Die, Study Finds

Are 50 Percent More Likely to Die, Study Finds

Startling research to be presented at the 66th Conference of the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Session, shows a causal link between heart disease, death, and depression. In fact, it indicates that depression is the single biggest predictor of death occurring within the first ten years of a diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). The study, the […]