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New study suggests eating red meat may increase risk of Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors A new study published June 17, 2013 in JAMA Internal Medicine showed that eating red meat over prolonged period of time increased the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The study followed several men and women participants for four years and found that those who ate half a serving (about […]

Go Green for Life: Following a Plant Based Diet

Research shows that our typical meat-based Western diet that we consume today may increase the risk of heart disease, compared with diets high in fruits and vegetables. A new study now presents the potential health benefits of following a plant-based diet and why physicians should consider recommending plant-based diet to all their patients, especially those […]

Childhood Obesity: The view of a 10-year old child

Childhood Obesity: The view of a 10-year old child

Childhood Obesity written by Andrew Thein, Dr. Cynthia’s son These days, too many children are obese due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise. A few ways children can become healthier is by eating more vegetables daily and increasing their exercise. Children my age are eating too much of the wrong kind of food. […]

Foods That Help In Stress Management

Foods That Help In Stress Management

Each and every human being undergoes stress. It’s our body’s natural response whenever we face certain difficult situations in life. Stress may come due our work or from our family affairs, but too much of it can have impact our body and overall heart health. However, there are numerous ways in which you can reduce […]

Spring Clean Your Diet

Spring Clean Your Diet

Spring is here! This is a time for renewal of life and growth, with the reappearance of green and color everywhere.  As many of us spring clean our homes and our closets, we should also consider spring cleaning our bodies. Dr. Cynthia, holistic cardiologist in Los Angeles, says it’s the perfect time of year to […]

Diet for Managing Heart Failure

Diet for Managing Heart Failure

Discover heart-healthy diet tips for cardiac heart failure treatment management in Burbank, USA. Boost heart health and improve quality of life with our expert advice! Heart failure affects nearly 6 million Americans and over 900,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. It is one of the most common reasons for hospital admissions among those 65 […]

Improve Your Mental Health with Holistic Health

Improve Your Mental Health with Holistic Health

We all know it’s important to stay in good physical health. But what are you doing to stay in good mental health? Each year, nearly 1 in 5 Americans suffer from mental illness symptoms including stress, depression, anxiety, and mood swings. These symptoms can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair. However, research shows that […]

Love is Good for Heart Health

Love is Good for Heart Health

Having love in your life is good for heart health. Whether it’s from a passionate lover, affectionate spouse, close friend, or adoring parent or pet, showing and receiving love is the best medicine for a healthy, happy heart. Here’s why. Love Lowers Blood Pressure Embracing someone you love, bantering with your best friend, snuggling with […]

Improve Your Physical and Mental Health-6 Smartphone Apps to Help

Improve Your Physical and Mental Health-6 Smartphone Apps to Help

Research shows there is an undeniable connection between your physical and mental health. Both are equally important for a better quality of life. Holistic health care practitioners, such as Dr. Cynthia at the Holistic Healing Heart Center, help you achieve optimal health through traditional and alternative medicine, nutrition coaching, sleep therapy, lifestyle management, and mindfulness. They give […]