Road to Recovery Essential Care Tips for Stroke Survivors

A stroke is a severe medical event with life-altering consequences. It occurs when blood flow to some part of the brain is interrupted, which may lead to the death of brain cells. Depending on the area of the brain affected, stroke survivors can experience physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges. Thus, proper care is a must […]
The Raw Food Movement
A raw food diet is scientifically proven to be good for you! The raw food movement is a diet based on the belief that the most healthful foods for the body are uncooked foods. Recent science now proves that cooking not only destroys enzymes in foods and degrades certain nutrients, but also chemically changes the […]
Whole Foods Trump Supplements
Importance of selecting more natural or plant-based phytonutrients to stay healthy Vitamins are a group of substances that are essential for normal cell function, growth, and development. Scientists have discovered that the human body requires specific small quantities of 13 organic molecules, known as the 13 essential vitamins needed for the body to function. Every […]
A Healthy & Happy Mom is a Better Mom!
A Healthy Mom is a Happy Family! Top 10 Health Tips for Busy Moms Happy Mother’s Day! If you’re a mom, your world most likely revolves around your children. Being a parent definitely brings incredible joy and is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but it’s also very exhausting. Moms are on […]
Live Your Healthiest Summer Ever!
Ten Simple Summer Health Tips Summer is officially here! Did you know that summer is the healthiest season there is? In the longer and warmer days of summer we tend to slow down the stresses of our busy lives and for most of us life becomes less chaotic, healthier, and happier. During summertime many of […]
Don’t Give Up on Your Fitness Tracker. . . Tips for Heart Health and Weight Loss

Let’s not beat around the bush, the simple act of owning a fitness tracker is not going to automatically improve your heart health and weight loss goals. However, research shows that if you have some of the basic 16 desires for heart health and weight loss, you may be closer to achieving your goals. 16 Desires for […]