Break the Habit of Yo-Yo Dieting in Favor of Holistic Weight Loss Lifestyle Changes


If you find yourself struggling to stick with your weight loss program, you’re not alone. Many people who follow fad diets to lose weight end up gaining it back, only to start a new diet and repeat the cycle. A March 2019 study from the Columbia University Irving Medical Center found that 70% of female participants experienced […]

Self-Care and Heart Health: Tips for Atrial Fibrillation Patients

When It’s Time to See a Functional Cardiologist

People with atrial fibrillation (AFib) require treatment to control their heart rate, heart rhythm and coagulation.  It’s a serious but manageable condition, but it doesn’t mean you can’t keep on leading a full and active life. Self-care and spiritual wellness are important for any care management plan because they speak directly to the twin needs […]

A positive attitude may increase longevity in patients with heart disease

A Positive Attitude is Positive A positive attitude can cause a chain reaction of positive outcomes, thoughts, and events. Likewise, according to a recent study published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes patients with heart disease who have a positive attitude are more likely to exercise, reduce levels of stress hormones, adopt healthier […]

Stress Management Activities

Stress Management Activities

If you are living a fast-paced life like working for eight hours every day for five or even six days a week, then you cannot avoid stress from creeping into your life. Especially if you are an important executive or a business owner, then you probably deal with deadlines or demanding clients. These add to […]

Foods That Help In Stress Management

Foods That Help In Stress Management

Each and every human being undergoes stress. It’s our body’s natural response whenever we face certain difficult situations in life. Stress may come due our work or from our family affairs, but too much of it can have impact our body and overall heart health. However, there are numerous ways in which you can reduce […]

Stress Management: Why It’s Needed

Everyone experiences stress as it is our body’s natural reaction to certain events we deem as threatening or stressful. Some people get it because of increasing job responsibilities, whereas others may cite family problems as one the major reasons they experience stress. Whatever, may be the reason of your stress, you will need to learn […]

Improve Your Mental Health with Holistic Health

Improve Your Mental Health with Holistic Health

We all know it’s important to stay in good physical health. But what are you doing to stay in good mental health? Each year, nearly 1 in 5 Americans suffer from mental illness symptoms including stress, depression, anxiety, and mood swings. These symptoms can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair. However, research shows that […]

Early Heart Health May Influence Future Mental Health

Young hearts are full of hope and promise. However, a recent study suggests that early heart health may influence future mental health. The study focused on resting heart rate and blood pressure. It reveals that young males with higher resting heart rates – above 82 beats per minute—may be at risk for a future diagnosis of mental […]

4 Ways to Manage the Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a disorder commonly experienced in the winter months due to the lack of sun and inability to spend time outside. Its symptoms are very similar to depression including loss of enjoyment, listlessness, and lack of motivation. SAD can be difficult to cope with and upsetting with the holidays just around […]