Benefits of Eating Comfort Foods
Eat a healthy diet while including your favorite comfort foods Beans, beans, the musical fruit, The more you eat, the more you toot, The more you toot, the better you feel, So let’s have beans at every meal! It’s a silly and rather crude children’s rhyme, but it has some truth at its core. Eating food […]
Love Heals
The heart of the matter is that it is the heart that matters. A healthy heart is a happy heart. To achieve optimal heart health, your emotional and spiritual heart is just as important as your physical heart, and care must be given to all aspects of this vital organ. Every thought causes an instant flow of emotions by […]
Holistic Therapies for Heart Health
Holistic Heart Health Dr. Cynthia Thaik believes that optimal holistic heart health isn’t just about caring for the physical heart, but that focusing on the mind and body is also very important. Western medicine for heart-related diseases often overlooks the fact that you must also tend to your emotional, mental, and spiritual health. A holistic […]
New study suggests eating red meat may increase risk of Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors A new study published June 17, 2013 in JAMA Internal Medicine showed that eating red meat over prolonged period of time increased the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The study followed several men and women participants for four years and found that those who ate half a serving (about […]
Live Your Healthiest Summer Ever!
Ten Simple Summer Health Tips Summer is officially here! Did you know that summer is the healthiest season there is? In the longer and warmer days of summer we tend to slow down the stresses of our busy lives and for most of us life becomes less chaotic, healthier, and happier. During summertime many of […]
Early Heart Health May Influence Future Mental Health

Young hearts are full of hope and promise. However, a recent study suggests that early heart health may influence future mental health. The study focused on resting heart rate and blood pressure. It reveals that young males with higher resting heart rates – above 82 beats per minute—may be at risk for a future diagnosis of mental […]
4 Ways to Manage the Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a disorder commonly experienced in the winter months due to the lack of sun and inability to spend time outside. Its symptoms are very similar to depression including loss of enjoyment, listlessness, and lack of motivation. SAD can be difficult to cope with and upsetting with the holidays just around […]
Is Lack of Sleep Affecting Your Health?

Just like eating and breathing, sleep is essential for a healthy life. During sleep, your body repairs and revives your brain, heart, and body, getting them ready for a new day. However, most adults don’t get enough of it. Some people don’t make sleep a priority in their busy lives. Others lack good sleep habits—or sleep […]