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How to keep your New Year’s Resolutions

new year resolutions - 365 new days, 365 new chances

For most of us, the beginning of a new year is a time to contemplate about the past and the future. It is a time to think about what we want out of life and how to turn our dreams into reality. New Year’s resolutions are a great way to set your dreams in motion, […]

How to Find the Right Cardiologist

How to Find the Right Cardiologist

Are you wondering how to find the right cardiologist for you? Regardless of your philosophy when it comes to medicine, there comes a time when it’s vital to go to a professional. Reputable cardiologists should have several traits that you can identify before you even sit down for an appointment with them. Dr. Cynthia Thaik […]

Oh My Aching Heart: Know The Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women

heart attack symptoms in women

Pola is 53, extremely fit, engages in a 30-40 minute cardio workout daily, and predominant eats vegetarian except for fish.  Her cholesterol is perfect and she is at her ideal weight. Which is why when she started experiencing an annoying ache in her collarbone, shoulder and arms, she initially attributed it to over exercising with […]

How Does Laser Fat Removal Work?

How Does Laser Fat Removal Work?

Do you struggle with stubborn pockets of fat that won’t go away no matter how often you exercise or maintain a healthy diet? If so, then laser fat removal may be the ideal option for you. At Burbank Med Spa we offer FDA-approved SculpSure™ body contouring to help you achieve your weight loss goals. This cutting edge […]

Medicinal Spices That Help Lower Blood Pressure

Medicinal Spices That Help Lower Blood Pressure

Did you know there are many medicinal spices that help lower blood pressure? High blood pressure is an epidemic that currently affects one in every three American adults. High blood pressure is known as the ‘silent killer’ because it is largely asymptomatic, which is why it is imperative to have your blood pressure measured regularly. […]

Herbs and Spices That Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Herbs and Spices That Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety

(Original posted in 2015 and updated 6/30/23  by Dr. Cynthia) Herbs and spices that help reduce anxiety include: Passionflower, Kava Kava, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Turmeric, Basil, L-theanine, and Nutmeg. Herbs and spices are proven effective at reducing stress and anxiety when used at the correct dosage and are correctly matched by a holistic doctor to […]

Fertility Diet Tips for Vegans: Foods to Eat — and Those to Avoid

Fertility Diet Tips for Vegans: Foods to Eat - and Those to Avoid

Under most circumstances a vegan diet can lead to a notably healthy lifestyle, however, when you’re trying to become pregnant, you have to be a bit more mindful of the food choices you make. The good news is that a vegan diet can be incredibly beneficial towards improving fertility, so long as you’re eating the […]

Functional Medicine Doctor Los Angeles

A functional medicine doctor focuses on treating the whole person, rather than just your symptoms. Health and illness are seen as a continuum resulting from the dynamic interactions of your various body systems and their environment. It is in sharp contrast to the way medicine is practiced today in the United States. Although our health […]

Say Thank You and Become Well

Did you know that you can improve your health by saying thank you? Giving thanks is common to every culture. People give thanks before meals and say a thank-you prayer before bed. Thank you is one of the first responses a parent teaches a child, and it is essential for good manners. Why is giving […]

Brain Signal

When Your Brain Speaks: Listen Your physical body speaks to you quite regularly. It tells you when you are tired or hungry and when you have overdone it and need to take a break. It also gives any number of specific warning signs that medical researchers have identified as precursors to things like stroke, heart […]