
“Surrender” by Keith Richmond Shakespeare wrote of undying love, Mozart dictated to from high above, Michelangelo’s punishment was the Sistine pride, Van Gogh was tortured deep inside. The world’s masters all had a common thread, as creative thoughts ran through their head. What felt like demons at the start, transformed their visions into great art. […]


“Staircase” by Keith Richmond What we know of what life has to offer, is learned in each step that we take; and what will hold us to each other, will be the choices that we make. You see, life is like a flight of stairs, a passage from floor to floor; we can have it […]

Gratitude feeds your mind, body, and soul and is good for your heart

What are you thankful for today? Whether it’s your job, your health, or your family and friends, it is always important to give thanks for what matters the most to you. Gratitude is one of the most important foods needed to help nourish your mind, body, and soul. Yet, it’s only normal that with your […]

Love Heals

The heart of the matter is that it is the heart that matters.  A healthy heart is a happy heart. To achieve optimal heart health, your emotional and spiritual heart is just as important as your physical heart, and care must be given to all aspects of this vital organ. Every thought causes an instant flow of emotions by […]

The Importance of Finding Balance in Your Life

Balance Your Way to Health Do you sometimes wonder if your life is in balance? In today’s world, balanced living may seem like a theoretical term that nobody can put into practice because daily life can oftentimes leave us feeling frustrated, anxious, stressed, depressed, and unfulfilled. Yet, in fact there is nothing simpler and healthier […]